Port Forwarding

SSH is a powerful port fowarding service that can come in handy under a bunch of scenarios. Let us be clear about the fundamental requirements,

  • The compromized system and firewall should allow SSH traffic flow

  • Port forwarding has to be done from a Linux system only

  • Root privileges is required on the compromized Linux system

SSH port forwarding can come in handy under the following scenarios,

  • Local Port Forwarding

Any request landing on our local machine on a specific port can be forwarded to another machine through a compromized machine using SSH as the transport protocol. Read more

  • Remote Port Forwarding

Any request landing on a remote machine port can be forwarded to a port on the local machine through a compromized maching using SSH as the transport protocol. Read More

  • Dynamic Port Forwarding

Contrary to the previous methods, any connection to the local port can be forwarded to any machine & port through the proxy service called proxychains. Read More.

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