Windows Remote Access

Windows operating system can be remotely accessed from a Kali system using one of the following commands,


xfreerdp /sec:rdp /u:"dc\superman" /v:
xfreerdp /u:superman /pth:e3cea06e2de8d54d43b84d4b5bffb5b0 /v:
xfreerdp access.rdp /u:"dc\superman"

The security protocol can be chosen between rdp or nla using the /sec option.

Pass the hash can be used in the place of a password, if the password is unavailable.

An rdp file can be used for accessing a specific server or service through this command.


rdesktop -u offsec -p lab


If the system has winrm service running, then the following command can be used to remotely access the command prompt,

evil-winrm -i -u username -p "password"

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